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Investing in HYIP´s | 10 Golden rules


HYIP's (High Yielding Investment Programs) can offer fantastic profits, but can also carry an equal amount of risk. Following some basic rules will help you to avoid losses, and even better, to make money. My golden rules are:


1. NEVER invest more than you can afford to lose.

Only invest extra money that you normally spend on luxury items in HYIPs.

Never risk the money you normally spend on essential goods. It is not wise to invest money in HYIP's that are reserved to pay for your home and livelihood. High Yield Income projects are always risky and it is dangerous to risk the money you need to support yourself.


2. Don't be greedy.

Even if you keep making decent profits for a few months, that's no reason to think that this is sustainable. A high-yield project can be closed at any time. Nobody knows when, not even the admin. You can lose money you recklessly spend.

Don't be tempted to invest in so-called VIP plans that offer extraordinary profits if you invest higher amounts (>1000$). These deposits are so-called "donors" which can be used to pay regular users.

Admins do not rob banks. They simply move money from one investor to another.


3. Find a break-even as soon as possible.

Don't be tempted to reinvest a profit until you have first taken your principal out of the program.

Plans in which deposits are included in daily payments are preferred. They will allow for earlier break-evens.


4. Differentiate.

Spread your risk. Choose a range of programs with different levels of risk, so you don't have to rely on very little investment.
You find a few good examples of projects that I recommend to differentiate on this website.


5. Research every investment program before you invest in it. 

There are a number of checks you can do to test the reliability of the program.

Below you will find a number of options to analyze HYIP's:.


6. Use the minimum investment amount to first test if a program pays out. 

Above all, check that the withdrawal mechanism also works. Withdraw money on a regular basis. Don't save for one big withdrawal.


7. Stay away from projects with poor customer service.

If you can't get an answer from the support team, you probably shouldn't invest in that project.


8. Always feel responsible for your investments.

Periodically follow all information offered to you through webinars, websites, Telegram groups, trainings, etc.

Be critical of the information published by HYIP monitors and websites, in 95% of the cases this information is paid for by the initiators.


9. Make sure you find a good sponsor.

Never ignore the work your upline can do for you.

His or her experience can help you make the right choice.


10 Hit and Run.

There's another rule many HYIP bloggers would call: Hit and Run.

The Hit and Run strategy is one of the main reasons why the HYIP industry is in such a bad shape today. Many investors would join a project in the first few days, reap the profits and walk away as soon as the first deposit expires. If too many people do the same, the project will soon lose its performance. The smarter the investors become, the shorter the lifespan of the projects. This is what we continue to observe today.

That's why the last rule is somewhat contradictory. It helps to prevent losses, but at the same time threatens and slows down the project.

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